Faculty Articles

Prizmah.org – The Much-Needed Judaics Teacher Already At Your School

Posted on June 13, 2024

Written by Rachel Friedrichs (Associate Director, PCJE Israel) – Many Jewish day schools have excellent general studies teachers who are also engaged and interested members of their Jewish communities. These teachers have proven classroom teaching skills, are committed to the school’s mission and values, and understand the community and the students, but they may not Continue Reading »

Reflections from Israel

Posted on November 9, 2023

By Rabbi Jonathan Leener The following remarks were initially delivered at Prospect Heights Shul on Shabbat, November 4th.  Rav Tzadok Ha-Koen of Lublin taught, “The place where a person runs in times of crisis — when the pain reaches to the depth of the soul — that place is their essence.” I feel blessed that Continue Reading »

“HaMishna shel Rebbi – A New Book from Rabbi Dov Berkovits

Posted on September 14, 2023

Rabbi Dov Berkovits (Legacy Faculty) has provided the Pardes community with a Rosh Hashana preview of his upcoming book. Below, you can read his message to our community and download your copy.  Please note: The preview and upcoming book are in Hebrew only.  The insert on Masechet Rosh Hashana that you may download below (that, Continue Reading »

Meaning-Mining with Your Students

Posted on August 4, 2023

“It’s about being a teacher who is a normal person too, and saying: ‘let’s explore this text together, because I need this too.’” Aviva Lauer was recently featured on The Jewish Education Experience Podcast, to talk about meaning-mining with students and sharing your true self with them.

Hope and Resilience in the Midst of Strife:
Thoughts and Prayers for the State of Israel on this 9th of Av

Posted on July 25, 2023

A message from Rabbi Dr. Meesh Hammer-Kossoy, Director of the Year Program: עם הנצח לא מפחד מדרך ארוכה “The eternal nation is not afraid of a long journey” A popular folk song based on a saying by Rav Kook z”l The State of Israel and the Jewish people had an intense week of conflict. The Continue Reading »

Midrash Favouritism – Part of the Maggid of Melbourne’s Hasidic Lore Series

Posted on July 20, 2023

In an unexpected passage in the Midrash, the sages recounted a deal struck between Moses and his future father-in-law, Jethro. Moses had already decided to serve God, when he came to Jethro to ask for Zipporah’s hand in marriage. Before giving his blessing, Jethro asked Moses for one undertaking…

pardes institute meesh-hammer-kossoy

Shavuot calls us to resist polarization

Posted on May 17, 2023

Our diversity is our great strength. Rather than pull to extremes, the Jewish people must amplify their centripetal force.

LGBTQ+ communities and allies embrace Second Passover

Posted on May 10, 2023

The key is to truly see the other for who they are and to acknowledge that experience as an encounter with the Divine.

In Defense of Surrender in Liberal Jewish Life

Posted on May 4, 2023

From shrinking attendance at worship services and the merging and closing of congregations to a crisis of generating new clerical leadership, the decline of liberal religion is evident throughout Western Christianity and Judaism. 

Pardes remains committed to learning despite Israeli political strife

Posted on April 3, 2023

By Leon Morris | President of the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies