Alumni Articles

Jerusalem Post Update – Pardes Alumnus David Ben Moshe’s Jewish status finally recognized!

Posted on December 17, 2020

Following a three-year struggle to be recognized as a Jew in the State of Israel, Pardes alum David Ben Moshe (Summer ’17, Year ’17-’18) has finally been granted recognition by the Ministry of Interior in Israel. He will now receive temporary residency status in the country and continue to fight for his right to gain Continue Reading »

eJP – Putting Jewish Values Back into GivingTuesday

Posted on December 14, 2020

Written by Pardes Alumna Karen Radkowsky (Seminar ’08, ’11, ’13) – Last week saw the most profitable GivingTuesday to date, with over $2.47 billion raised in a single day in the United States alone – a 25% increase over 2019, according to the GivingTuesday Data Commons. This is particularly notable given that the Bureau of Continue Reading »

Jerusalem Post – Pardes Alumnus David Ben Moshe’s nightmarish three-year quest for citizenship continues

Posted on December 8, 2020

Written by Jeremy Sharon — An Orthodox convert with a criminal past in Baltimore’s drug gangs who turned his life around, married in Israel, and applied for citizenship under the Law of Return two and a half years ago, continues to face a nightmarish bureaucratic struggle in his effort to settle in the Jewish state. Continue Reading »

eJP – How to be Emotional in 5781: The Legacy of a Hasidic Educational Master

Posted on November 15, 2020

Written by Rabbi Jon Kelsen Ph.D. (Kollel ’04-’07) – A quick look at the papers, glance out the window, or moment of introspection reveal one the emotional turmoil being activated on all levels of social and political life during these extraordinarily trying days. The US just concluded a tumultuous presidential election, revealing a country with Continue Reading »

Jewish Portland Review – Jennie Spector Receives Marla Bennett z”l Scholarship

Posted on November 12, 2020

Written by Deborah Moon – Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem named Portland native Jennie Spector, 27, the 2020-21 Marla Bennett, z”l, Scholar. “It’s an incredible honor to have the opportunity to study in Marla Bennett’s, z”l, memory,” says Jennie, the daughter of Marshal Spector and Sharon Pollin. In 2002, Marla was enrolled jointly Continue Reading »

shoshana gottlieb

Forward – Talmudic meme machine Shoshana Gottlieb is mixing parsha and pop culture on Instagram

Posted on November 3, 2020

Pardes student Shoshana Gottlieb (Summer ’19, PCJE ’20) wants you to know she’s not an artist. Sure, she spends her free time crafting original graphics to post online. Sure, her work captures Jewish culture and tradition with a sharp but loving eye. And sure, she has a devoted following who come to her for inspiration Continue Reading »

Four Pardes Alumni Awarded 2020 Pomegranate Prize from the Covenant Foundation

Posted on October 29, 2020

The Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies wishes a warm felt mazal tov to Jessie Silverman Gindea (PCJE ’10-’12), Rabbi Rachel Isaacs (Year ’05-’06), Rabbi Jordan David Soffer (Year ’11-’12) and Laynie Soloman (Year ’12) for receiving the 2020 Pomegranate Prize from The Covenant Foundation.

Magda Dorosz

eJP – A Journey of Discovery

Posted on October 28, 2020

Written by Magda Dorosz (Hillel Summer Program ’16) – I have sent 314 young Polish Jews to Israel on Birthright Israel since 2011, because the trip is among the most important Jewish experiences for young adults in Poland that impacts their future engagement. Hillel in Poland is now the leading provider of that trip. Birthright Continue Reading »

eJP – Kids’ Mental Health Can’t be an Afterthought – Especially Not Now

Posted on September 14, 2020

Written by Carrie Bornstein (Year ’05-’06) – For months, teachers, parents, and administrators have been considering every element of the school day in preparation for reopening. The details are dizzying. Where will everyone sit on the school bus? Can we still use the water fountains? Who needs an iPad at home? How will our kids Continue Reading »

Benedict Roth profile

The Jewish Chronicle – In the eyes of the Torah, we are all the children of immigrants

Posted on September 8, 2020

Written by Benedict Roth (Year ’88-’89, Summer ’12, ’15) – The tension between narrower and more universal interpretation of the Torah is highlighted by a well-known verse in this week’s sidrah. Nowhere does the Jewish pendulum swing so rapidly from inclusiveness to xenophobia, from openness to suspicion, as it does at the start of this Continue Reading »